Posted by: Susan Gaddis | September 27, 2009

The Wild Goose Flies

The wild goose is a Celtic symbol for the Holy Spirit. Here I Stand, sung by the band Iona, captures the deep sense of history and Spirit that I felt when standing on the shore of the small island of Iona several years ago.

Iona stood as the launching ground for the gospel into Scotland for hundreds of years. Celtic monks lived on this little Scottish island, training missionaries and preserving the writings of the early Christians. The Book of Kells is thought to have been written here and is one of the finest examples of Celtic art in the world.

Many Celtic saints and kings are buried on Iona. The haunting footage of the islands of Mull and Iona are beautiful in this video reminding me of the stories of those long ago Celtic Christians. 

We too grow older. Time passes. Our life is here . . . then gone. But the wild goose still flies.


  1. a moving and calming 3 minutes. thank you.

    good to reflect on the ancients and allow their depth and persepective to permeate our too-rushed lives.

  2. Jeanette said it well. The video is moving – both spiritually and visually. Thank you.

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